Mon - Fri | 9am - 5pm

Cloud-Based Healthcare Applications

Starting in 2003

Shortgrass Web has been developing expertise in web-based healthcare applications. The following are some examples of web-based healthcare applications built, hosted, and managed by Shortgrass:

This web-based case management software was custom-built for Medicaid Waiver case managers across the State of Montana. The application is currently used by all Senior and Long Term Care and Severe Disabling Mental Illness Waiver teams in Montana. In addition, the State of Montana itself uses the software to help them perform audit tasks. This software has been in use for more than ten years, and continues to grow in features every day. It utilizes the SAAS model (Software as a Service), which stresses rapid development cycles and continuous improvement after launch.

This web-based software tool allows healthcare agencies to exchange and review case files in a secure environment. The many reasons for the exchange of case files include: education, meeting compliance regulations for peer review, learning best practices, etc. Peer Case Review has been used by the following entities:

  • Montana Performance Improvement Network (MTPIN), a non-profit who works with Montana’s 38 critical access hospitals on quality improvement processes
  • Lakeside Health District in Oregon, a non-profit who helps Oregon’s critical access hospitals with quality improvement processes
  • American Board of Podiatric Medicine, who performs case review functions pertinent to the board certification process

Transition Alert Software

This web-based software was built to address the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) “triple aim in healthcare.” The triple aim has three goals:

improve patient outcomes
improve the patient experience
decrease healthcare costs

Our app addresses the unique challenge in the triple aim by improving connections during the times an individual transitions from one care setting to another. Transition Alert Software is an innovative tool that facilitates speedy, efficient communication among the multiple providers that may be serving a healthcare consumer.