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Online Applications

What can your website do for you and
your business?

Why should you utilize a Web Application? Web applications give you the ability to quickly and effectively manage your business processes/products/services on your website. Web Applications are just like any other programs on your computer; however, they exist on the cloud, rather than reside on your local personal computer.

Web Applications have so many uses that it would be nearly impossible to list them all here. Some examples include online bill payment, staff management, time cards, online reservation booking, customer tracking, project management, online auctions, blog publishing, online training or shopping systems, online membership applications.

One major benefit to having a web application is that it is accessible to you from any location with internet service: home, office, hotel, coffee shop, etc. Since website applications are web-driven, there is no need to install management software on a computer. You simply navigate to the web address of your application (usually behind your website), and login to the system.

Even if all you want is a web site, a web application, which allows you to change
the information in your website as often as you like, will give you two advantages:

More Return Visitors

Web sites with current and regularly changing information have the most return visitors. New or updated information attracts web browsers to your site and enhances your business.

Keeping Pace with the Change that is Inevitable in Business

Prices change, inventory changes, dates and times change, and employees change. Change is one of the most brutal laws’ of business, and if you don’t change, you won’t grow. The same applies to your website.

Shortgrass Web Development of Great Falls, Montana has years of experience developing custom web applications for our clients. We provide programming for secure, flexible, and cost-effective web applications that turn your vision into reality. We work with you during the process so that the web application meets the needs of your company or organization. Shortgrass Web can develop the online solution that your business needs, including, but not limited to:

Calendar of Events

Custom Product & Equipment Catalogs

Customer Care Databases


Dynamic Content & Document Archival Systems

Human Resource Areas


Online Course Registration

Online Event Registration

Online Exams

Quickbooks Integration

Real Estate Property Databases

Search Systems

Secure Payment Forms

Secure Subscription Apps

Social Media Toolbars

Store Locators

Support Ticket Systems